Wedding Day Tips | Recommendations

Write Love Notes

Your wedding day will be filled from beginning to end with hugs, smiles and stories of love and laughter with family and friends. Tip One is Write Love Notes.

Take a moment before your big day to write a note to your soon to be spouse, tell them of your excitement for the big day, of your anticipation of the future, and the love you have for them. Then the day of the wedding exchange the letters, for extra special photos make sure to keep them held tightly until the photographer arrives. You can choose to read them to yourselves, or to each other, but either way this is a moment that is sure to make your day even more special.

Seacoast NH Wedding Photographer. Flag Hill Wedding Lee, NH , Dover New Hampshire Rivermill Landing

Hold Hands

Now lets be real, never let go of that new Husband or Wife of yours, this is your day to proclaim that they are yours! Love on them!

More specifically though, hold hands during your first dance, take it back to traditional dancing, and a bit less middle school dance style. Not that you do not still look completely adorable and in love, but traditional posture will show off your beaming faces … and a bit less elbow and arm pit.

Seacoast NH Wedding Photographer. Flag Hill Wedding Lee, NH , Dover New Hampshire Rivermill Landing

Have A First Look

Once your day is rolling, it is going to be so filled with fun, laughter, hugs and if your are lucky food! ( Make sure you stop and eat! * bonus tip ) By having a first look you are carving out a special time that you know will be just you and your spouse, a quiet moment before the hustle starts where you can really take each other in and appreciate the huge step you are taking in your lives.

Trust me when I say that a first look will not detract from the special moment of walking down the aisle, if anything it will allow you to fully enjoy it, the nerves will have left because those moments during the first look will remind you of what is important during your day.

Seacoast NH Wedding Photographer. Flag Hill Wedding Lee, NH , Dover New Hampshire Rivermill Landing

Smile, Laugh, Joke

I know it sounds so simple, but as soon as the camera is out, bam we all become deer in the headlights.

Be playful, be cuddly tell a joke, make it clean, or dirty, either way I promise I won’t listen, but in that moment you bet I will be capturing those smiles!

In a blink of an eye you have grown from a toddler that was terrerizing their house, to a